10 Steps to Living with Purpose

No matter how you look at it, it is easy to get distracted by responsibilities - work obligations, family obligations, school obligations.  The endless hamster wheel of commitments keeps us moving, but not necessarily forward.  We live our lives in default mode.  Life is fine.  It’s ok.  It’s not bad.  We’re simply surviving.  Then, we encounter someone who has this energy about them, this vibe that life is happening on their terms. We can’t help but wonder what their secret is. They seem to be proof that there’s more to life than just surviving. They must have found their purpose in life, we think. But, what does that even mean? And, where do I find mine?

Good question! I’m not sure we have only one purpose. My gut says finding purpose is not as elusive as we think.  For me, purpose is less of a thing and more of a state of mind. The more time I spend doing the things I find meaningful and create a sense of fulfillment, the more “purpose” I find.  Those moments of happiness and contentment and joy and determination and challenge begin to accumulate to build a life of purpose.

If you want to live life beyond survival mode, you must begin to focus more on the experience of life you want and less on simply checking off the to-dos on the never ending list.

Here are 10 steps to help you refocus and begin living with purpose.

1 - Get clear on your values and beliefs.

Living w/ purpose means living in alignment w/ your values and beliefs.  That task is tough if you are unclear about what is important to you.  Ask yourself the following questions to gain clarity around your values.

  • What makes me really angry?

  • What situations hit me like a punch to the gut?

  • What do I avoid?

  • What warms my heart?

  • What brings me pure pleasure?

2 - LISTEN.  To yourself.  Without distraction. 

The answer to what’s important to you and how you want to live already lies within you.  It may be buried under a few layers of gobbledee gook, but it’s ready to be called upon if you’re ready to practice listening. Consider starting with 5-10 minutes of meditation every day. If you’re new to meditating, I suggest starting with a guided meditation. A quick internet search will have you on your way in no time.

3 - Stay Open.

As you start to tune into your intuition, urges, desires and forgotten dreams will come up. Your gut or heart may point you towards things way outside your comfort zone. Stay open to listening. Stay open to change. Stay open to challenges. This is where the magic happens.

4 - Take action.

The more you practice listening to your inner wisdom, the more often you’ll feel nudges and get ideas. Some may feel totally random. Don’t set it aside. Go for it. And then, pay attention! We think we need to understand before we can “do”. Sometimes we have to just take the leap and trust that there is a lesson to learn or a fulfilling experience on the other side.

5 - Set the tone for your day.

Living with purpose means actively creating your life. What’s important today? What can I do to move me closer to my goals? What intention do I want to anchor my day in?

6 - Decide what’s right for you. 

Stop listening to what others think you should do, or how you should act.  You know what’s best for you.  Trust that.

7 - Give your best every day.

Rise above excuses and take responsibility. You run your life. Choose to show up will purpose and do your best every day. If you simply do the things you say you need and want to do, pretty soon life will look like you say you want it to look.

8 - Mind your time.

Be mindful of how you spend your time. Be purposeful with what you say yes or no to. This includes scrolling through Insta for hours at a time. We’ve come to use social media as a way to “unwind”. But do you actually feel refreshed? Or, like me, do you look up and wonder where that hour went?

How can you fill that time with something that truly relaxes, excites, or moves you instead? Learning a new language or instrument. Creating through painting, woodwork, or pottery. Reading a book. Walking in nature. Get quiet and listen. Your body, mind and spirit will tell you what you need to come back to the task at hand invigorated.

9 - Reclaim your sense of whimsy and wonder…or your version

Children are so full of curiosity. They know exactly what brings them joy, and are relentless in the pursuit of fun (and candy). As we get older, the magic and awe of life seem to grow dimmer and dimmer. No longer do we find amusement in a simple pot and wooden spoon. Jumping in puddles becomes silly and impractical. Who says it must be this way?

For me, living with purpose means seeking whimsy and wonder everywhere I look. I love the feeling of enchantment. For you, it might be a different feeling that conjures a sense of childlike freedom. Look back and remember your childhood obsessions. What feelings did they invoke? How can you bring more of that into your life now?

10 - Commit

Living life with purpose and intention takes commitment. If you are a regular reader (thank you!), you know I am a broken record when it comes to the impact of consistent practice. Just like your body, your mind and spirit need attention to remain fit. I think it’s safe to say Britney’s abs circa 2001 didn’t happen with one crunch, every few days, when she remembered or felt like it. Similarly, living with purpose is a daily practice.

Living your life with purpose comes down to listening to yourself (logic, emotions & intuition) and trusting the feeling when all 3 are in alignment. Sometimes we want something we know in our heart or gut isn’t right for us. Living with purpose means listening, trusting and taking action. Living your life this way does not ensure a perfect life with no struggles or heartache. But, knowing you stayed true to who you are and what you believe in will make those hard times bearable.

Kristin RobinsonComment