7 Ways to Find Joy Everyday

“Joy is not a constant. It comes to us in moments—often ordinary moments. Sometimes we miss out on the bursts of joy because we’re too busy chasing down extraordinary moments.”

Brene Brown in her book The Gifts of Imperfection

There’s a cost to constantly “chasing down extraordinary moments”, worrying about the future, or reliving the past. We miss opportunities to experience joy in the present moments. Focusing on the present allows us to simply see “what is” in each moment. Now this, and now this, and now this. Irritation at the bass from the bar downstairs seeping through my floor. Release. And now, satisfaction in a piece of chocolate fudge and the memories that come along with it. Release. And now, gratitude in my warm, cozy apartment on a blustery winter evening. Release.

Choosing moments of joy doesn’t negate moments of annoyance or anger or sadness (etc). It simply allows us to let them go and refocus on the next moment in front of us. As we practice being present, we begin to fully experience life as it unfolds. When we aren’t caught up in holding on to the negative, we free up space to be present to moments filled with joy, fulfillment, satisfaction and love.

Here are 7 tips to find more moments of joy each and every day.

1 - Zoom in. 

Sometimes moments of joy are small and subtle.  If you’re on the lookout, you will certainly start finding joy all over.  Beautiful latte art.  A delicious meal.  Intricacy of snowflake. A silly joke.

Ask yourself:  What can bring me joy right now?  Where can I look for joy in the next hour? 

2 - Joy in Gratitude. 

Focus on what you have instead of what you’re “missing”.

Consider:  Start a gratitude jar or journal.  At times when happiness and joy seem to allude you, look back through the list of moments, experiences, and things that have previously brought you joy.

3 - Nourish a passion. 

Even if it is only for 15 minutes, do something you love.  Reading to your child.  Impromptu dance party and sing-a-long.  Talking to a friend. Baking.

Ask yourself:  What am I doing when I lose track of time?  What activities bring me sheer enjoyment? 

4 - Heal the past. 

A key component of allowing joy in, is to be present in your life as it is happening.  Past hurts and traumas can create a barrier to showing up. Healing is necessary for your health - body, mind and spirit. As you begin increasing your noticing of joy, you may also notice more balance in your emotional world - and vice versa.

Consider: Change up daily activities to increase positivity and minimize triggering patterns

5 - Laugh.

Have you ever noticed the power of laughter?  It can take you completely out of your head, leave you breathless and release any tension you might be carrying.

Consider:  What movies, videos, or friends are sure to bring a smile to your face and even force a chuckle or full fledge laughter out?   

6 - Be with Nature. 

Clear your mind and start observing joy through your senses.  Notice that first tulip bud poking through the spring ground.  Hear the birds singing.  Smell the fall leaves in the air.  Take note of the cold snow on your fingertips.

Ask yourself:  When I am out in nature, what do I notice?  What fills me with a sense of awe? 

7 - Slow down. 

Pause.  Get still.  Be here now.  Letting go of the worry attached to tomorrow’s tasks or the hurts and disappointments from the past makes room to get grounded to what’s here now.  Take a deep breath, and refocus your attention on what’s inspiring, amazing, or worthy of appreciation right here, right now.

Consider:  Create a short, powerful phrase to help bring your focus to the present. 

  • Be here now.

  • It is always now.

  • I trust the now.

Kristin Robinson