Get Clear on Your Goals with the New Moon

It’s the New Moon!  And the part of me that delights in goal setting and plan creation is pumped.  Judge away.  Lol.

First things first, how is the new moon’s energy best used?  The New Moon provides a clean slate and is an excellent time to get clear on dreams, desires and goals for the next ~30 days.  I’ve heard the time of the New Moon compared to planting the seeds that you’ll be carefully tending throughout the lunar cycle.  This is the perfect time to get clear about growing new ideas, creating new habits and adjusting current thought patterns. 

Note: Carve out some specific time for this exercise. Take care of whatever needs to be let go or completed to be fully available to the task at hand. That might mean tidying up quickly, going to a quiet room in the house and shutting the door, settling in to your favorite chair and lighting a candle, going outside to connect with nature, or having a dance party to your favorite song. Set yourself up for success to be completely present with yourself and your intuition.

What is it you want to be different or better in the next 30 days? If you’re thinking, “good question”, I hear you.  We have to know what we want to get it.  Otherwise, we’re just flailing about wondering why nothing ever changes.  If you’re not sure where you want to focus your energy, consider the below areas of life.  On a scale of 1-10 rank how satisfied you are in each area.

Rank each area (1-10) in terms of fulfillment or satisfaction

Rank each area (1-10) in terms of fulfillment or satisfaction

Review your rankings, and ask yourself - What one area, if I made changes or improvements in, would have the biggest impact on my life?  There might be one area that stands out, or there might be several.  You might also find yourself resisting a certain area, or on the flip side choosing from a place of “should”.  Connect with your brain (logic), heart (emotions) and gut (intuition).  Make a choice when all three parts of yourself are in alignment.  Sometimes we want something we know in our heart or gut isn’t right for us.  Listen and seek until you find harmony.  Got it? Sweet!  Now you have a priority area (or more) to use as a guidepost.

Next, close your eyes and call on your imagination.  Think about the priority area(s) you identified.  Picture how things would be different if you made changes or improvements.  Really take in the details of your vision.  Where are you?  Who else, if anybody, is there?  What are you wearing?  What’s the overall vibe or energy?  What sensations are you experiencing in your body?  What’s important in this exercise is to be present to the feelings that come when you’ve accomplished what you set out to create.  The priorities and goals you set with the New Moon should come from the heart.  You’re on the right path if when you close your eyes you’re able to connect with the feeling as if the vision has already happened.

For example, maybe your priority area is physical health. When you close your eyes, you see a more energetic you. You feel confident and unstoppable in your favorite dress. Maybe you imagine being outside playing tag with your kids. You hear their laughter and connect with the sheer pleasure you are experiencing in that moment and notice a fullness in your heart/chest.

With your priority area(s) as reference and your vision as grounding, brainstorm goals, desires and ways you could honor that part of your life.  Don’t worry about the logistics right now.  Focus on what you want, and pay no attention to what you don’t want.  When your list feels complete, review it and choose your top 5 intentions.

You did it!  For the next few days, spend a couple of minutes each morning and evening connecting to your vision and intentions. Consider what actions you might take to get there.  I find it helpful to create an affirmation to go along with each intention. I also like to read my intentions and affirmations aloud for the next few days to reinforce my commitment to their creation. A strong intention and vision results in a more powerful and rewarding outcome at the end of the lunar cycle. 

As a reference, here’s a glimpse at my New Moon brainstorm and intentions + affirmations. Worry less about getting it “right” and more about listening to your body, mind and spirit. The planning and taking action will be next. For now, explore your desires and wants. Get connected with the vision your heart has for your life. Commit yourself to cultivating those feelings and taking action.

There is not just one way to do this. Trust yourself. I love using colorful markers and listening to inspiring music. If you love to journal, do that. If collages are your jam, go for it.

Kristin Robinson