The Moon and Its Phases

Alright, friends.  Here’s the quick and dirty (read: very basic) science lesson on the lunar cycle and moon phases, along with what to notice in your mood, emotions and energy levels. With tomorrow’s New Moon, you have the opportunity to watch and notice how your life occurs in relationship to the moon phases.

Lunar Cycle

It takes about 29 days for the moon to orbit the earth.  This is called a lunar cycle, and the way we experience it is watching the moon go from practically invisible to fully illuminated and back to dark.  During this cycle, portions of the moon become visible based on its position with the sun and earth.  Since the moon doesn’t produce its own light, what we’re really seeing is the Sun’s rays reflecting off the surface of the moon.  Essentially, the moon we see at night depends on the angle the sun is hitting it.  If you’re a visual person like me, check out the image below.

Lunar Cycle w Sun_Medium.jpg

Moon Phases

As the Moon orbits Earth, it cycles through 8 phases.  The lunar cycle begins with the New Moon phase, and from there generally spends about 3-3.5 days in each phase. 

In terms of using the energy flow to my advantage, I take note of upcoming new moon and full moon dates.  As the moon moves between new and full, she waxes and wanes.  I also like to use the first and last quarter moons to do a quick progress report. While of course I look at external progress markers like tasks completed, I also make sure to check-in with my “full” self - brain (logic), heart (emotions), and gut (intuition).

New Moon

As you can see from the image, the New Moon phase occurs when the Moon is closest to the Sun, perfectly lined up between the Sun and Earth.  The portion of the moon that is illuminated during the New Moon is facing away from earth, and that is why our sky appears to have a completely dark moon.

Energy check:  Quiet energy of fresh starts, new beginnings, and growth

Focus on:  Inner reflection leading to clear intentions and goals for the coming month

Waxing Phases
Waxing Crescent, First Quarter, Waxing Gibbous

As the moon moves eastward away from the sun, we begin to see more and more of the sunlit surface.  We see the moon appear to grow from a sliver (waxing crescent) to almost full (waxing gibbous).

Energy check:  Energy grows, Creativity flows

Focus on:  Strategizing and Planning, Taking bold, courageous action, Staying flexible

Full Moon

Once again the moon, Sun and Earth are aligned, but this time the moon is farthest away from the Sun and we experience the fully illuminated side of the moon.  The brilliant and iconic full moon marks the climax and halfway point through the lunar cycle.

Energy check:  Peak of emotional, physical and social energy

Focus on:  Noticing, Adjusting, Completing

Waning Phases
Waning Gibbous, Last Quarter, Waning Crescent

We now enter the part of the lunar cycle that takes us from a full moon back to the dark moon.  As the title suggests, the moon begins to appear to wane or shrink.  This is the start of the second half of the cycle as we begin moving back towards a New Moon.

Energy check:  Energy levels decrease, Focus turns inward

Focus on:  Reflection, Celebration, Release

As we move through each of the 8 phases, look for posts with more information about the shift in energy, along with reflections and actions to consider taking.

New Moon->Waxing Crescent->First Quarter Moon->Waxing Gibbous->Full Moon->Waning Gibbous->Last Quarter->Waning Crescent

New Moon->Waxing Crescent->First Quarter Moon->Waxing Gibbous->Full Moon->Waning Gibbous->Last Quarter->Waning Crescent

Kristin Robinson