5 Secrets Happy People Know

Happiness is not a final destination.  It’s not a place to which you arrive.  It is found in moments along life’s journey.

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To me, happiness is…

  • My fingers dancing on the piano keys. 

  • Spotting a Cardinal sitting on a branch. 

  • My family gathered around my parents’ table for Sunday dinner.

  • A fresh manicure. 

  • A smile shared by passing strangers. 

  • A fuzzy blanket, popcorn, and my favorite movie.

  • Placing that last puzzle piece.

  • Laughing with friends until there are tears in our eyes.

  • Holding the door open for the next guest at the coffee shop. 

To me,

  • Happiness is contentment. 

  • Happiness is playfulness. 

  • Happiness is satisfaction. 

  • Happiness is impermanent, but plentiful.

If happiness seems to allude you, take a few tips from people that seem to find it everywhere.

1.       Happy People Understand They Hold the Key. 

Happy people hold themselves and no one else accountable for their satisfaction.  They recognize that the key to happiness lies within themselves – not in other people or in stuff.  They actively take charge in creating positive emotional well-being.

Consider: What thoughts, perspectives and activities bring you fulfillment?  What relationships make your life meaningful?  Understanding what situations and people bring you happiness is the first step to creating more of those moments and connections.

2.       Happy People Practice Gratitude

Gratitude is a state of mind you must cultivate every day.  Our minds naturally gravitate towards the negative.  Therefore, it takes conscious effort to redirect thought patterns to noticing the positive.

Take Action: Make a list of 3 things/people/experiences you are grateful for or bring you happiness to set a positive tone for your day.

3.       Happy People Get Present

We spend so much time worrying about things that ultimately don’t matter.  Happy people let go of yesterday’s mistakes and tomorrow’s worries.  If your mindset is, “I’ll be happy when I reach my goal” or “I can’t be happy because…”, you risk missing all the moments of joy in the journey. 

Consider: What project (job promotion, goal weight, $ in the bank, vacation, etc) has you delaying satisfaction until it is complete?  How might you give yourself permission to start enjoying the scenery along the path to your destination?

4.       Happy People Accept Themselves & Others

Self worth exists in having community, purpose, and identity.  Big houses, Gucci bags, and luxury cars are nice things, but don’t provide lasting happiness.  Happy people know their  interactions with others and the view they hold of self are fundamental to maintaining happiness.

Consider: How can you foster more compassion and empathy in your life?  Who can you reach out to in an effort to reconnect? 

5.       Happy People Take Time to Chill

Moments of solitude and stillness allow you to discover what you truly value.  A quiet mind lets you reconnect with your definition of happiness vs. the messages we’re bombarded with as the perfect lifestyle via marketers and influencers on tv and social media.

Take Action: Find a few minutes to reflect on what’s important to you.  What impact do you hope your presence has on others?  In your words, what makes life meaningful?

Being happy isn’t about sticking your head in the sand and ignoring the uncomfortable parts of life. It isn’t about ignoring negative emotions and experiences. There will always be bumps in the road. Happiness is about letting go of the negative so you can be present and notice the beautiful. Happy moments are all around.

If you’re not sure where to look, finish this sentence as many times as you can - To me, happiness is ….

Kristin Robinson